2021 Winter Institute for the History of Economic Thought

2021 Winter Institute for the History of Economic Thought



UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 and the unknown reach of the virus internationally in the coming months, we find it necessary to hold the conference virtually. The health of the Sun Devil community is a top priority, which includes implementing safety measures necessary to keep students, employees and guests safe. While everyone would probably prefer the warm winter sun of Phoenix, we believe we can still engage with each other in vibrant conversation online and look forward to keeping the same dates as planned.

Thank you for your interest in the Winter Institute.

Registration is required to attend and participate in the conference.

Register Now

If you have any questions, please email CSELConference@asu.edu

Agenda is tentative and subject to change.

Times are in local AZ MST (UTC-7).

Time Zone Converter

Friday, January 22

7:45 a.m.— Greetings and Introductions

8:00 a.m. — Session 1: Peter Galbács, Budapest Business School

  • Lucas's years at Carnegie Tech and his way to monetary business cycle theory

8:45 a.m. — Break

9:00 a.m. — Session 2: Maria Georgouli Loupi, University of Exeter

  • History, Marxism, Culture and Gender: How far has Marxism influenced the historical profession throughout the 20th century?

9:45 a.m. — Break

10:00 a.m. — Session 3: Lúcia Centurião, University of São Paulo

  • An economic advisor manqué finds a follower: Léon Walras and Etienne Antonelli

10:45 a.m. — Break (Lunch)

Noon — Session 4: Adrian K. Yee, University of Toronto

  • Edgeworth’s Mathematization of Social Well-Being

12:45 p.m. — Break

1:00 p.m. — Session 5: Thibault Biscahie, York University

  • The Ordoliberal Roots of French Postwar Capitalism (1938–1974)

Saturday, January 23

7:45 a.m.— Greetings and Introductions

8:00 a.m. — Session 6: Guglielmo Federico Nastasi, Sapienza University of Rome

  • Institutionalist Clues in Celso Furtado’s Economic Thought

8:45 a.m. — Break

9:00 a.m. — Session 7: Ibanca Anand, London School of Economics and Political Science

  • ‘Secondhand’ Dealing in Economic Ideas: A Postwar American Case Study

9:45 a.m. — Break

10:00 a.m. — Session 8: Conrado Krivochein, Universidade Federal Fluminense

  • Controversies in the history of National Accounting and the consolidation of the System of National Accounts

10:45 a.m. — Break (Lunch)

Noon — Session 9: Daniel Kuehn, The Urban Institute

  • James Buchanan as an Urban Economist

12:45 p.m. — Break

1:00 p.m. — Session 10: Daniel Nientiedt, New York University

  • Hayekian Economic Policy

Why are you hosting the Winter Institute virtually rather than in-person?

Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 and for the safety of all attendees and students, we determined it was best to host a virtual Winter Institute via Zoom rather than canceling.

Who can attend the Winter Institute?

The conference is geared towards graduate students and faculty both local and international. Undergraduates and ASU staff are more than welcome to attend as well. The goal of the Winter Institute is to provide a forum for scholars to receive feedback on their work in progress papers. 

Do I have to register to attend?

Yes, registration is required in order to receive your personal link via email to join the webinar. This also allows us to have an accurate headcount for an improved attendee experience at this and future events.

Do I need to download Zoom?

The web browser client will download automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting, and is also available for manual download here.


For more information about Zoom and system requirements, you can visit the Zoom Help Center.

Do I need an account to use Zoom?

You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting or webinar. You will be prompted to download the software, once you have clicked on the link that you have been provided via email after registering to attend the Winter Institute. You may also wish to create an account, but that is not required to participate in a Zoom meeting.

Will the sessions be recorded?

No. To keep the registration process as smooth and unencumbered as possible, we are not asking anyone to sign an ASU Photo/Recording Release form prior to attending

Will the papers being presented at the sessions be available before the conference starts?

Yes, papers by the presenters will be distributed prior to the conference start so attendees have an opportunity to read and get familiar with the topic prior to the sessions. This way our presenters get adequate feedback on their work in progress. Only those registered for the conference will receive a link to all the papers prior.

How long are sessions?

Each session will be 45 minutes long. It is at the discretion of the presenter as to how they want to split their time between presenting and Q/A. We recommend each presenter use roughly 20–25 minutes to present with the remaining time for Q/A from the audience.

What time zone is Arizona?

Phoenix, Arizona is MST (UTC-7). You can use this simple time zone converter to convert your time zone with the local conference time.

Time Zone Converter

Are there sponsorship opportunities?

Yes, please email CSELConference@asu.edu.

I have more questions!

For any additional questions, email CSELConference@asu.edu.

Ross Emmett, Arizona State University
Director, Center for the Study of Economic Liberty
Professor of Economic Thought, School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership

Tyler DesRoches, Arizona State University
Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Human Well-Being, School of Sustainability
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

The 2nd annual Winter Institute for the History of Economic Thought will be conducted as a Zoom webinar, January 22–23, 2021.

The Winter Institute offers a forum in which both early-career and distinguished scholars can meet, network, and present work in progress to an audience of engaged peers. Our primary goal is to provide a workshop setting where early-career scholars and more experienced members of the field can engage with each other’s work. We are especially committed to encouraging scholars new to the field. Of the 10 presentation spots available this year, 6 will be reserved for graduate students and scholars within 2 years of completion of their PhD.

Our plan is to arrange all presentations over two days, as if we were meeting in person. All papers will be made available in advance to Winter Institute participants. A $500 stipend will be paid to each of the 10 presenters; a $250 stipend will be paid to 5 senior scholars who will not present at the Institute, but who will commit to reading all 10 presentation papers in advance and to participating in all sessions of the webinar program. Each session will be viewable via Zoom Webinar to anyone who registers in advance. Outside viewers will be able to ask questions about and comment upon papers using the Zoom chat feature.

We invite proposals in any area, on any topic, from any perspective, relevant to the history of economic thought. If you would like to present at the Institute, please provide an abstract of no more than 250 words and a 2-page CV. If you are a senior scholar who would like to participate without presenting a paper, please provide only a 2-page CV. Please submit your application materials at csel.asu.edu/winter-institute. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2020. Notifications will be sent after October 15, 2020. Final papers will be due by January 1, 2021.

What you need to know:

  • Paper proposal deadline: September 1, 2020
  • Proposal acceptance notification: After October 15, 2020
  • Paper submission due: January 1, 2021
  • Conference dates: January 22–23, 2021

To be considered for inclusion in the conference program, all proposals must be submitted at the link below by the submission deadline. If you would like to present at the Institute, please provide an abstract of no more than 250 words and include a 2-page CV.

If you are a senior scholar who would like to participate without presenting a paper, please provide only a 2-page CV.

Submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

Submit Application

The Center for the Study of Economic Liberty will provide modest stipends for those accepted.

If you have any questions, please email CSELConference@asu.edu.