A Conflict of Visions and Honorable Business Reading Group
What is the Conflict of Visions and Honorable Business reading group?
Directed by Ross Emmett and Andrew Humphries, A Conflict of Visions and Honorable Business Reading Group provides undergraduate students the opportunity to meet in-person on a weekly basis over six weeks during the fall 2022 semester to read and discuss two books on the general topic of freedom and responsibility in philosophy, politics and economics:
T. Sowell, "A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles"
J. Otteson, "Honorable Business: A Framework for Business in a Just and Humane Society"
- Are human nature and society limited only by our imagination? Or are there fundamental limits in the nature of mankind and of society that we must work around to do the best we can? What are the practical implications of these fundamentally opposed visions?
- What is the role of business in advancing the goals of human wellbeing? What is the social responsibility of business in a free society and what constitutes ethical business leadership?
The reading group will meet every Monday from 6:00–7:30 p.m. AZ MST, October 24 to November 28, 2022 in-person on the Tempe campus.
The application process is competitive. Participants are selected based on their application materials.
Because of the importance of building a culture of dialogue and mutual support we ask that you apply only if you are willing and able to attend all of our regular meetings. (Please see if you have classes, jobs, student life activities, or other reasons that might conflict.)
The reading group is part of the Center for the Study of Economic Liberty's programming to support ASU's new Certificate in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
Funding for this project was provided by the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University and the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership at Arizona State University.
Who should apply?
- Mature scholars who embrace the opportunity to read, think and discuss.
- Have time to devote to a challenging set of readings.
- Committed to contributing to each discussion, and also to encouraging others to contribute as well.
- Can criticize ideas while respecting the individuals who advance them.
- Available all of the Monday evenings we are scheduled to meet.
- Current undergraduate students enrolled at Arizona State University.
How to apply
To apply, please complete the online application below by Monday, October 3, 2022 using your ASU Gmail account.
Funding for this project was provided by the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University and the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership at Arizona State University.